Saturday, June 10, 2006

Wild Deer in the Amerongen Forest

This is the reason I always carry my 5.9 kg camera bag with me whenever I go hiking. Yesterday I ran across this beautiful animal during my daily walk through the Amerongen Forest (part of National Park "De Utrechtse Heuvelrug"). She was not scared and let me approach till about 10 meters.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Studio portrait (6)

Added sepia-toning and frame to one of the previous pictures. Post-processing these kind of images is really fun. But this might be the last one. (May 2006)

Studio portrait (5)

Studio portrait (4)

Studio portrait (3)

Studio portrait (2)

Studio portrait (1)

This is the first in a series of portraits I shot while assisting photographer Hans Bakker on a Bachelor Party studio-photoshoot. On my website you can find the complete series, also in full color. (May 2006)

Parque Nacionale Los Glaciares, Chile

These spectacular clouds are called "Altocumulus Lenticularis" and are formed by wind passing at right angles over an obstruction (like a mountain range). When this happens, the air is forced upwards over the obstruction. If the wind speed increases with altitude, waves of rising and sinking air form on the lee side of the obstruction. The tops of these waves are often capped with lenticular clouds like these ones. (December 2005)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Wild Elephants in Namibia

This one I dedicate to Hans Bakker. A shot of playing baby elephants near a waterhole in Ethosha National Park in Namibia. (August 2001)